Title: “Purple Centinal” Dimensions: 82″ x 18″ x 18″, including 12″ base height (208.28 cm x 45.72 cm x 45.72 cm, including a 30.48 cm base height). High Grade rigid aluminum plate with an artistically…
Title: “Aqua Centinal” Dimensions: 82″ x 18″ x 18″, including 12″ base height (208.28 cm x 45.72 cm x 45.72 cm, including a 30.48 cm base height). High Grade rigid aluminum plate with an artistically…
Make a splash in your garden or lawn with this alluring mermaid. Originating far from the sea, she is handcrafted from industrial steel by artist Chris Crooks at his studio in the Santa Rita Mountains…
This unique sculpture has many personalities depending on the person the more you look at it the more you see. This will make a great unique piece to anyone’s art collection. It measures 14″ tall…
This unique sculpture has many personalities depending on the person. The more you look at it the more you see. This will make a great unique piece to anyone’s art collection. It measures 12″ tall…
ITEM DESCRIPTION You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Lawn.. Like the Great White that terrorized a certain beach community, this land-bound beast brings ferocious adventure to life. Chris Crooks’ two-part denizen of the deep adds a…
Flamingo Pair Garden Statue by SPI Home. SPI artists have created some of the most impressive home and garden decor objects available today. Since its establishment in 1973, SPI has become one of the most…
Use the force to display this festive R2D2 Star Ward Yard Decor this holiday season. A perfect gift for any Star Wars fan, R2D2 measures 28 in. Tall and comes covered in durable, shimmery tinsel…